
If You Are Regulated, You Better Have a Policy Related to Your Company’s Use of AI
If you must use AI systems then at least get your employee handbook updated with an AI use policy

Are You Sure That Your Disaster Recovery Testing Includes All Your Data?
It is critical to ensure that Disaster Recovery Testing includes all data – especially data that is considered to be immutable, like emails

Do You Really Know What A PenTest Is?
While vulnerability scanning is often referred to as a Penetration Test, it is technically not a pentest

Why Are You Still PenTesting?
If you are one of the many small to midsize companies that keeps all of your data in the cloud, you may be wasting your money on Pentesting

Criminals Want To Take Over Your Company’s Web Page!
Ensure that your company’s webpage is being scanned along with your firewall on either a weekly or monthly basis

Your Cyber Insurance Policy Probably Doesn’t Provide The Cyber Coverage You Need Most
Your cyber insurance policy most likely has two key components that either severely limit or completely preclude coverage if your firm suffers a wire fraud

The SEC Is Very Serious About Enforcement (and Fines) Related to Your Investor Communications
Recent SEC activity could be just the beginning in terms of fines

AWS’ Entry Into Cyber Insurance Market Could be Game-Changing
Amazon spent two and a half years digging into this market, and their insurance offering is a development that could be yet another market disruption

Microsoft Attack Illustrates Why Even Large Tech Vendors Are Not Immune to Cyber Attack
Risks exist for which the asset and wealth management industry will need to take heed